



NOTES: Architectures for a kickass WebRTC application

by Tom Moor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9QxBc0OeoI (opens in a new tab)

Notes: NONE.

NOTES: Servers for WebRTC: It is not all Peer to Peer

Speaker: Chad Hart Conf: Kranky Geek WebRTC Brazil 2016 Channel: Google Chrome Developers Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1mx7cx6ckI (opens in a new tab)

Key Topics: Signaling considerations, ICE, STUN, TURN details, media servers, gateways

NOTES: How to Build an End-to-End WebRTC Service (Kranky Geek WebRTC Brazil 2016)

By Daniel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPnWIuAlphc (opens in a new tab)
opinion: ok

Talks about:

NOTES: How Does WebRTC Work? - Crash Course

By Dennis Ivy
Apr 1, 2022
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I2axE6j204 (opens in a new tab)

WebRTC introduction and complete project based tutorial. Build a small peer to peer video chat application with signaling.

Check out the related blog post that goes with this video here: https://medium.com/agora-io/how-does-webrtc-work-996748603141

Create your agora.io app here: [...]

Source code: https://github.com/divanov11/WebRTC-Crash-Course

Slide show images are provided in the source code.

Live demo: https://divanov11.github.io/WebRTC-Simple-SDP-Handshake-Demo/

00:00 - Intro
00:35 - WebRTC Intro Slides
12:05 - Project Files Setup
19:40 - Display Camera to Page
23:28 - Peer Connection (SDP Offer & Answer)
46:00 - Signaling with Agora